Welcome to Sandoz Elementary School

Spark provides before and after school childcare. The program is operated by the Millard Public Schools Foundation. For more information, visit the Spark site!


Picture day is September 19.
Parents of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders please review our iPad Damage/ Cooperative Loss Program
No School September 2 and 3 for Labor Day


The mission of Mari Sandoz Elementary School, a community that embraces the growth of the whole learner, guarantees all students learn the academic and life skills necessary for personal success and responsible citizenship in a global society by creating a world-class school characterized through :
• A safe and caring environment  • Honoring and supporting the uniqueness of each individual    
         • Innovative, diverse, and challenging opportunities    • Equal partnerships between home, school, and community


Amanda McGill Johnson, Stacy Jolley, Mike Kennedy, Mike Pate, Linda Poole, Lisa Schoenberger

Millard Public Schools Mission Statement

Millard Public Schools guarantees each student exemplifies the knowledge, skills, and character necessary for personal excellence and responsible citizenship through an innovative, world-class educational community that challenges and empowers all students.